Family Milk Goats
and health tested
for Homesteads
Welcome to the goats!

We have always run a herd free from Brucelosis, CL, CAE, and Jones. Have been vet tested clean of TB as well.
We also run monthly milk tests for udder health on our girls and you will also get data on lbs of milk produced, butterfat (cream content),
and the protein levels in your girls milk.
We raise Nigerian Dwarf and Mini Nubian goats. We chose these breeds first for their high butterfat (read-extra creamy) milk that tastes like melted ice cream that is fabulous for drinking and that would also have a high cheese yield.
Just as important to us is that we pass on does to your family that are good tempered, long-lived, quality family milkers, with udders that milk out easily for little hands, are hardy, parasite resistant, and produce a good amount of milk for a family.
We also breed animals that can also do well in the showring if the kiddos in the family want to try
FFA or 4-H, truly a dule purpose homestead workhorse!
Available Does in Milk
keep in mind many of these does JUST kidded so some of the photos are from last year, Many will have a higher production this year.
Tupelo- $750 *milk star! - SOLD
A heavy milk producer in her 3rd year, She has earned her milk star through MDGA!
A bit on the bigger side, covered in Moonspots. long ears and quite a loving diva! Cabernet x Limburger
Bourbon- $600
A mid to small size, mini nubian girl with airplaine ears, mellow tempered gal that produces well with wonderfully placed teats. She will kid for the third time in April. Rhone X Camembert
Available Kids
Aspen x Poplar $700- SOLD
Not only is Apen a powerful milker but this is repeat on the breeding that produced Shallot! Shallot has done incredibly well in shows earning a leg as a yearling milker and has the most fabulous easy to milk udder possible, on my signature wide frame. This girl looks to be headed in the same direction!
look under breeding stock to see shallot
Bringing home your
the process
Dairy Goat
Choose your Girl
Look over all the available goatl! Search and look at their parents and possibly their off spring!
Contact us
email us with the name of your chosen girl or girls, ask any questions you might have or discribe to use what you need and let us help make the perfect match!
Send A Deposit
Send in your deposit to lay claim to your favorites before they are snatched up!
Meet her!
Arrange transport, a trip down here or a meeting with us at a show. To meet and pick-up your new family milk goat
Our Breeding Herd
and genetics
Mini Nubian Senior Does
Mini Nubian Junior Does
Nigerian Dwarf Does

Nigerian Dwarf Bucks